BCBS of Texas Insurance PPO WELCOME!

Anyone that has Blue Cross of Blue Shield of Texas (PPO) Insurance and has

a Licensed Dietitian / Nutritionist covered in their plan can now work with me!

Message for more details on how to get started.

Again this is for anyone that has PPO BCBS Insurance.

Coming soon is HMO insurance!



Sometimes LESS is MORE!

Less is MORE with exercise!  Could it be true that we can ALL find time to exercise daily for only 30 minutes and still reap healthy benefits.  YES!  The research is out there.  Enjoy the reading and START moving.  Never to late to start a new Habit!
Get Fit. Get TRYM. Be YOU!
By Robert Preidt

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

HealthDay news imageWEDNESDAY, Aug. 29 (HealthDay News) — Thirty minutes of daily exercise achieves the same amount of weight loss as 60 minutes, according to a small new study.

The research included 60 heavy but healthy Danish men who exercised for either 30 or 60 minutes a day while wearing a heart-rate monitor and calorie counter. The training sessions were designed to generate a light sweat, but the participants were expected to boost the intensity and push themselves harder three times a week.

The men who exercised 30 minutes a day lost an average of about 8 pounds over three months, compared with an average of 6 pounds for those who exercised 60 minutes a day.

“Participants exercising 30 minutes per day burned more calories than they should relative to the training program we set for them,” Mads Rosenkilde, a doctoral student in the biomedical sciences department at the University of Copenhagen, said in a university news release. “We can see that exercising for a whole hour instead of a half does not provide any additional loss in either body weight or fat.”

“The men who exercised the most lost too little relative to the energy they burned by running, biking or rowing,” Rosenkilde added. “Thirty minutes of concentrated exercise gives equally good results on the scale.”

Rosenkilde suggested that the surprising results may be due to the fact that doing just 30 minutes of exercise left participants with the desire and energy to do more physical activity after their required exercise sessions.

In addition, it’s likely that the men who did 60 minutes of exercise daily ate more and therefore lost slightly less weight than anticipated.

The study was published online recently in the American Journal of Physiology.

SOURCE: University of Copenhagen, news release, Aug. 23, 2012

Copyright (c) 2012 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

The Real Epidemic : GENERAL OBESITY! EveryWHERE!

We all hear about so called epidemics spreading lately, but I think our focus should be on a true one.  General Obesity!

It is everywhere we look and we come up with reasons on why it is occurring.  Lack of physical exercise, excessive caloric intakes, lack of energy, work to much….but read on and learn another contributor to Obesity.


General obesity is an epidemic. But it’s possible to experience belly fat without being generally obese with fat enlarged torso, arms, and legs that demand waddling while walking. Your arms, upper torso, face, and legs can appear normal with an extended belly and expanded waistline.

Beer bellies are often wheat bellies. This can result from eating wheat products, even whole grain, with its high glycemic index (GI). Today’s wheat has been transformed into a nutritionally weakened hybrid that contains 10 times more gluten than the wheat of a half-century ago.

Even for those who don’t have extreme wheat/gluten sensitivity or Celiac disease, one can surpass his or her capacity for digesting gluten, leading to that wheat belly. (http://www.naturalnews.com/036845_wheat_belly_weight_gain_gluten.html)

Wait, there’s more!

So you’ve cut back on wheat and even avoided gluten-free products that contain potato starch and tapioca, both high GI substances. But the waistline remains the same.

Stress affects your hormones. Cortisol comes from the same gland that provides adrenaline for short-term reactions to perceived dangers. But cortisol is produced from chronic stress without any real outlet. It can build up, cause hormonal imbalances and create a suddenly bulging belly.

For women who experience an estrogen imbalance, too high or low, the belly can bulge also. For men, it’s testosterone deficiencies that can bring on the beer belly. Stress can also influence the sex hormones. So a simple solution, in addition to excluding gluten to some extent, would be reducing stress.

Diet still remains important. Organic foods with lots of greens while abstaining from processed and junk foods goes a long way to both reducing the waistline and stress. Intense exercise may be fun for some, but how many who practice hatha yoga have beer/wheat bellies, hmm?

Focusing on stress reduction

Sometimes stress is handled by eating “comfort foods” that are high in simple, processed carbs and sugars and bad fats, creating a vicious big belly cycle. So there need to be other options for reducing the stress that directs fat to the belly and promotes indulging in comfort foods.

An important method for eliminating stress is getting enough high quality sleep. Even if you’re in bed for eight hours nightly, you may not be getting even close that much quality sleep. The key word is quality. (http://www.naturalnews.com/026637_sleep_health_immune_system.html)

Difficulty falling asleep, getting up often, waking up easily and often from restlessness all make the process of an immune enhancing quality sleep impossible. Save your coffee for the morning hours. Maybe some chamomile tea late in the evening would help.

Relax before hitting the sack with a pleasurable activity. Better yet, meditate or practice the corpse pose of yoga where you relax every part of your body until you achieve a totally tranquil state of relaxation. (http://suite101.com)

Make sure your bedroom is completely dark. No lights of any kind anywhere, and a little on the cool side, around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This is an ideal sleep environment.

Melatonin supplements, especially sub-lingual, can help you fall asleep. Start at three mg and experiment for the right dose, anywhere from one to ten mg. Too much leaves you rested but groggy upon awakening.

Cut out unnecessary stress. In this modern culture of political correctness and self-defeating politeness, we sometimes take on tasks that are not necessary for our survival or our best interests. Too many demanded tasks and frivolous meetings create unnecessary stress.

In other words, allow yourself to enjoy being you. Walks in nature, an occasional picnic, time spent listening to good music are a few examples of ways to eliminate stress without resorting to excess alcohol or comfort food binging.

Sources for this article include:




Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037006_belly_fat_solutions_chronic_stress.html#ixzz259OB22Oi

GENTLY Detox with 4 Superfoods…..

Detox!  Detox! Detox!

I hear it everywhere and feel it is the thing that people want to try today.  I ran across this article after having an awesome lunch with my aunt and uncle while vacationing in Pennsylvania.  The lunch consisted of baked salmon with zucchini and broccoli right from their own garden.  So we got on the topic if their garden was organic or not.  The conversation was an awesome one as we found out interesting tidbits from the surrounding farms next to their house (that is another discussion).  Never knowing for sure what we are actually eating, organic or not, free range or not, grass fed or not, we at TRYM Fitness, believe in a detox every so often to help rid our bodies of the harmful toxins.  As the article states, some detox systems are more intense than others so please do research to find what might best suit you.  In the meantime, here are 4 foods that can help remove toxins gently from your body.

(NaturalNews) Detoxing can be hard on your body and cause a wide variety of alarming side effects. After all, the substances being removed are usually pretty horrible, consisting of toxic chemicals from Teflon, vaccines, pesticide residues, pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy residue, heavy metals, aluminum, radiation, and even by-products from GMO foods. There are numerous detoxing agents and methods available — some more costly than others — and some producing very intense experiences with potentially dangerous side effects.

However, there are several ways to remove these noxious substances gently, with kindness to your system. These techniques may take a bit longer to achieve completion; however, if you have the time and are sensitive, or just don’t like pain, one of these methods should work for you.


Fruit pectin is probably the most gentle method of detoxing contaminants. Pectin comes from the fibrous portion of the fruit and is most commonly found in the pith of limes, lemons and other citrus fruit as well as in apples. Other sources of pectin are bananas, grapes, carrots, and cabbage. Pectin helps to release heavy metals, chemicals and other substances into the blood stream, where it binds to them and flushes them from the body. Simply eating fruit high in pectin will help to cleanse your system, or you can add a pectin product to a glass of water, organic grape juice or fresh veggie juice to speed the detox process. Beware of pectin sold in grocery stores, as some brands may contain MSG. Check health food stores for the best products.


The delicious culinary herb cilantro, happens to be one of the most effective and gentle detoxifiers of mercury, heavy metals and other toxic contaminants. You can buy cilantro juice at health food stores or simply include the fresh herb in your diet as pesto or seasoning to control the amount consumed and limit unwanted side effects. It’s inexpensive and works without the addition of man-made chemicals. Cilantro also possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties, quickly reducing infection and inflammation as it works to clear your system.


Chlorella is a single cell algae sea vegetable that grows in fresh water. Some of the best cholrella reserves have come from Japan; however, use caution when buying Japanese chlorella due to possible exposure to radiation from Fukushima. Chlorella is an easy-to-digest superfood best known for being able to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the cells. Too much chlorella can produce side effects — mostly in the digestive tract — where it works best to bind to mercury, eliminating it. Start with the lowest quantity and work up slowly for a gentle detox.


Juicing fresh produce and grasses such as wheat or barley grass provides an excellent way to remove toxins from the system. Wheatgrass is high in nutritional content, and provides vitamins, minerals and all nine essential amino acids. Wheatgrass can be a powerful detox, so
start slowly with only a small amount of juice to keep it gentle — 1/2 ounce a day — and work up to avoid symptoms.

Using gentle detoxing products requires that you repeat treatments over a period of time until all symptoms have cleared. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, muscle aches and pains, dizziness and fatigue. Additionally, detoxing can cause a flare-up in your condition temporarily. It’s just the toxins leaving your system and should pass shortly. If side effects are severe, reduce the quantity of whatever you’re using to detox. If the symptoms continue, stop and consult your natural health practitioner for further instructions.

Get Fit. Get TRYM. Be YOU!

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036920_superfoods_detox_chemtrails.html#ixzz24hZQVEa8

Regulating Blood Sugar Through Proper Nutrition

Thanks for stopping by! I am happy to share with you

another article I wrote for Faith &  Fitness Magazine.

Please enjoy!

How To Regulate Your Blood Sugar Through Proper Nutrition

By Tim McComsey
NOTE: If you are at risk of having diabetes, hypoglycemia or other health conditions, consult your doctor for advise on developing a personal nutrition plan.

The Bible makes several references to “a land flowing with milk and honey”. We typically understand this to be an expression of God’s provision of abundance. But, the pairing of milk and honey, protein and carbohydrate, are in fact based on a sound nutritional concept. Have you ever had that uncomfortable shaky feeling when you’ve had too much refined sugar? It’s possible you were experiencing low blood sugar.
The regulation of blood sugar is an important, yet tricky concept to understand. Here are a few tips — a crash-course to help you understand how your body creates and uses blood sugar.
Your body produces blood sugar from the protein, fats, and carbohydrates you consume from foods. Poor levels of blood sugars can wreak havoc on the body causing you to become lethargic and mentally confused while increasing appetite and shakiness. On the other hand, maintaining proper blood sugar levels will help your brain and body function properly. All carbohydrates, simple or complex in nature, get broken down by the body and turned into sugar. For more on simple and complex carbohydrates read A Diet To Energize Your Workout. Even healthy vegetables like broccoli, kale, spinach, asparagus, peppers, etc. get broken down into sugars to be absorbed by the body as fuel.
The body is always trying to maintain homeostasis (a certain level of blood sugar) and is only happy with a small window of variation in blood sugar. Any form of carbohydrates………..

To Read the rest of the article please go to:


TRYM Fit in 30 Days Contest!

SIGN UP NOW for the TRYM FIT in 30 Days Contest!

Go to our FaceBook Page and Click on the store to enter:


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Email us for any questions:  TRYMLIFE@gmail.com

The Nutrition Article YOU wish you were NOT Reading!

Sorry everyone! HAD to share this article.  These foods are way to familiar and comfortable finding a place in out diets.

Now is the time to start being healthy!  Read along and your first step might be in the following text!  ENJOY


Get Fit.  Get TRYM!

(NaturalNews) With so much conflicting information out there about which foods are healthy and which foods are not, it can be difficult for many people to determine how best to approach a healthy lifestyle that includes eating well. But a good place to start is to avoid these seven toxic foods, beverages, and additives that are quite common in the American diet.

Diet sodas and beverages sweetened with artificial chemicals. One of the more common dietary misconceptions in mainstream society today is the idea that “diet” beverages are somehow healthier than their sugar-sweetened beverages. Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal) saccharin (Sweet’N Low), and sucralose (Splenda) are among the more popular artificial sweeteners used in many diet sodas, juices, chewing gums, and other foods (http://www.naturalnews.com).

Not only are artificial sweeteners bad for your health (http://www.naturalnews.com), but they also tend to promote obesity (http://www.naturalnews.com/022785.html). If you want to protect yourself against chronic illness and toxicity — aspartame literally converts to formaldehyde in the body and causes metabolic acidosis — it is best to stick with either raw sugars or natural sugar substitutes like pure stevia extract.

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the silent killer. It is not really much of a secret anymore that HFCS, despite all the corn industry shilling, is a toxic sweetener that should be avoided (http://www.naturalnews.com/hfcs.html). Since it is linked to obesity, brain damage, low IQ, and even mercury poisoning, avoiding all foods that contain HFCS — this can include breads, cereals, and other seemingly innocuous foods — will do wonders for your health.

Most vegetable oils, including hydrogenated and ‘trans’ fat varieties. The misdirected war on saturated fats has convinced millions of people that unsaturated vegetable oils are a healthy alternative. Not only do many vegetables oils turn rancid quickly, which means they are toxic (http://healthwyze.org), but many of them also contain high levels of omega-6 fatty acids which, apart from omega-3 fatty acids, can cause severe health problems like heart disease and cancer. (http://www.naturalnews.com/022860.html)

Many vegetable oils are also derived from genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), including canola, soy, and corn oils. These same oils are often hydrogenated as well, a process that turns them into heart-destroying solid oils. Avoiding these and sticking instead to healthy fats like grass-fed butter, coconut oil, olive oil, and hemp oil will greatly improve yourhealth and lower your risk of disease.

White bread, pasta, and other refined flour foods. They are cheap, plentiful, and come in hundreds of varieties. But white breads, pastas, and other foods made from refined flour are among the top health destroyers in America today. Not only are most white flour products carcinogenic because they are bleached and bromated, but they also lack vital nutrients that are stripped away during processing. Avoid them, and all processed wheat products if possible, to optimize your health.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG), carrageenan, and refined salt. Often hidden in foods under deceptive names (http://www.truthinlabeling.org/hiddensources.html), MSG is a pervasive salt chemical you will want to avoid that is linked to causing headaches, heart problems, brain damage, and other problems. Carrageenan, another chemical additive often hidden in “natural” and organic foods like nut milks and lunch meats, is similarly worth avoiding, as it can cause gastrointestinal upset and colon cancer. (http://www.cornucopia.org)

And processed salt, which is added to just about everything these days, lacks the trace minerals normally present in sea and earth salts, which means it ends up robbing your body of these vital nutrients (http://www.naturalnews.com/028724_Himalayan_salt_sea.html). Hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and stroke are just a few of the many conditions that can result from refined salt intake, so your best bet is to stick with unrefined sea salts and other full-spectrum salts.











Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036724_toxic_foods_additives_avoid.html#ixzz234UcUvzE

No Gym, No Problem!


You hit the snooze button 3 times and you are dragging to get MOVING!

Your time at the gym before work has passed and you have obligations after work.  BUT you want to workout!

What do you do? 

EASY!  Here is a 15 -20 minute workout you can do to spike your metabolism, get your body moving, have your muscles perform work, release endorphins throughout your body, and to feel better about yourself all in a few minutes and at your home/office!


Start with the next 3 exercises and do as 1 giant set then rest and repeat.

Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds

Mountain Climbers -30 seconds

Burpees – 10 times

Rest 30 seconds.  Repeat 3 x

Now move on to the next list of exercises!


Perform each exercise in a circuit with minimal rest.

Body Weight Squats – Arms out straight – 20x

Push Ups – Do on toes or knees – 15x

Cobra – Lie down on stomach and arch the upper body up and feet toward ceiling.  Arms to your side back 45 degrees.  Arch up for 1 long second then bring body back to the ground. – 15x

Plank – Lie face down on the ground.  Elevate your body so you are on your elbows and toes keeping body in a straight line.  Exhale all your air and draw your belly button in toward your spine.  Hold this position for desired time while maintaing normal breathing.  Goal is to hold for 60 seconds.

Rest 60 seconds.  Repeat 3 x

That is the workout!  Simple, Easy, Effective!

Now go and enjoy your night!

*Perform fewer sets if time is limited.

Get Fit, Get TRYM, Be YOU