Prevent Dementia? Improvements in Cognitive Function?

TRYM Fitters,
I don’t know about you, but as I age I find myself more and more afraid of age-related diseases.  I hear tons of strories about someone’s dad/mom/sister/brother forgetting things short and long term from their past, forgetting where they put their belongings, and repeatedly forgetting they said the same thing 6 times in 6 minutes.   Previously, I assumed that there was no way on EARTH that I could start to prevent this from happening to me.  I am convinced after reading this article that there is hope to avoid or even to minimize age-related diseases.  If you know of someone that is experiencing any signs or just want to prevent it then read on.
Astaxanthin – is an antioxidant supplement that helps fight the signs of aging and support joint and skeletal health, among other astaxanthin benefits.  This is what turns salmon pink:).
  • Researchers found that supplementing with astaxanthin-rich Haematococcus pluvialis (microalgae) extract lead to improvements in cognitive function in older individuals who complained of age-related forgetfulness
  • Scientists now believe astaxanthin could help prevent dementia, including Alzheimer’s, help prevent neurodegeneration associated with oxidative stress, as well as make a potent natural “brain food”
  • Astaxanthin exhibits some of the most potent antioxidant activity currently known; it positions itself across the entire cell membrane, attaching itself to both the exterior, interior, as well as the entire lipid layer, thereby offering global protection for each cell
  • Due to the limited food sources of astaxanthin, it can be difficult to get enough from diet alone; recommended dosages are included, and range from 2-12 mg/day, depending on health status and targeted health condition

As you might suspect, an antioxidant with this kind of power can have an extraordinary impact on health; more studies are being published all the time about this incredible nutrient. Here are just some of the ways astaxanthin can positively impact your health, according to the latest research:

Boosting your immune function Improving endurance, workout performance and recovery
Improving cardiovascular health by reducing C-Reactive Proteins (CRP), reducing triglycerides, and increasing beneficial HDL Helping to stabilize blood sugar, thereby protecting your kidneys
Greatly protecting your eyes from cataracts, macular degeneration, and blindness Relieving indigestion and reflux
Protecting your brain from dementia and Alzheimer’s Improving fertility by increasing sperm strength and sperm count
Reducing your risk for many types of cancer (including cancers of the breast, colon, bladder and mouth) by stimulating apoptosis (cancer cell death) and inhibiting lipid peroxidation Helping to prevent sunburn, and protecting you from the damaging effects of radiation (i.e., flying in airplanes, x-rays, CT scans, etc.)
Improving recovery from spinal cord and other central nervous system injuries Reducing oxidative damage to your DNA
Reducing inflammation from all causes, including arthritis and asthma Reducing symptoms from pancreatitis, multiple sclerosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, and Lou Gehrig’s disease, and neurodegenerative diseases


Unless you are a flamingo or some other marine animal, you are probably not getting very much astaxanthin from your diet alone because there are only two prime sources: microalgae and sea creatures that consume the algae (such as salmon, shellfish, red trout and krill). Compared gram for gram:

  • Salmon contains 5-40 parts per million of astaxanthin
  • Krill contains about 120 parts per million of astaxanthin
  • Shrimp provides about 1,200 parts per million, and
  • Microalgae (H. pluvalis) contains 40,000 parts per million

I have mentioned astaxanthin in reference to krill oil, which has been my preferred source of animal-based omega-3 fats for many years now, because krill oil naturally contains astaxanthin (about 1 milligram (mg) per serving). The typical dose of astaxanthin when taken in supplement form is 2-4 milligrams, but emerging evidence suggests many people probably need more, depending on their health status.

Based on my discussions with Dr. Corish, I increased my own dosage to 8 mg a day and I’m considering increasing it to 12 mg, which he believes is the optimal dose for both brain and heart health. Dr. Corish explained:

We have found that there is an abnormal accumulation of hydroperoxides within red blood cells in people who have dementia and Alzheimer’s. We now know that if you give these patients astaxanthin, the amount of peroxides – these harmful free radicals – is reduced by 50 percent. That’s a significant reduction, and that is at a dose of 12 milligrams.

…I take 12 milligrams. I want to have this essential nervous protection. I want the cardiovascular protection and also because of my activities. I have increased energy. It protects my mitochondria.

You know, we are bombarded by such an amount of free radicals. The free radicals that come from the environment, those in our food, pesticides, herbicides, environmental smoke, and excessive sunlight. If I know that I’m going to be out playing golf for more than a couple of hours, I definitely want some protection. And astaxanthin provides that internal protection.

I think 12 milligrams really covers everything.

If you want to just take it as a general antioxidant coverage, I believe between four and six milligrams will be adequate. If you want it for skin, two to four milligrams would be adequate. Once again, depending on the condition that you are really trying to target, you can tailor your dose.”

Fortunately, astaxanthin has a flawless safety record. No harmful side effects have been noted in any of the safety studies performed. If you were to take very high doses (about 50 mg a day, which I don’t currently recommend) your skin may take on an orange hue, but this is simply a cosmetic change and will not harm your health in any way.

This article is by. Dr. Mercola and you can read the whole article at:


TRYM Pumpkin CheeseCake – Individual Servings

HEY to all the AWESOME TRYM FIT Followers!!!

Here is the TRYM’d up version of the pumpkin cheesecake I posted earlier.

I modified it in a few ways to make it healthier and to fit the beliefs of Team TRYM Fit even better!

Also, I decided to make individualized portions, because if you are anything like me a full pie becomes 1/8 of a pie in JUST one day.

OOOOOPS…….Good thing I am human as well and need to ENJOY this version like anything else in moderation.

oh the picture is deceiving……someone had to try one of the portions before a picture was taken to make sure the quality was perfect!



Spray the muffin liners with non stick spray

1.5-2 Cups All Bran Cereal – crush into small pieces in a closed baggie

3 Tbsp Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Mix together to moist all the cereal

Pat the crust mix into each muffin liner

add a tsp or 2 of egg whites to mix into the crust

pat again to the muffin liner

bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes

Cheesecake Mix:

2 cups part skim ricotta

1 can pumpkin

1/2 cup almond breeze – mix of coconut / almond milk

1/2 pack of cheesecake sugar/fat free pudding

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp nutmeg

crush pecans to top each portion at the end

Get Fit. Get TRYM. BE YOU!

How Much Cardio to Perform to Lose Weight?

This is a great article that one of my clients shared with me today.  We actually have conversations often

about how much he should be running and if training for a marathon fits in with his goals.  I am pretty sure this

article has helped him confirm important points we have talked about during training. I hope this can help you as

well when you are deciding how much running or any cardio to perform!

Love the article – It is a must read for any fitness enthusiast!

How Much Cardio to Lose Weight?

Written by  

How Much Cardio to Lose Weight?There is so much confusion out there about how much cardio you should do to lose weight. Some say you need to be doing it every single day. Some say twice a day, and some even say you don’t have to do it at all. So then, who’s right? Let’s break it down and see if we can clarify the question – How Much Cardio to Lose Weight?

How Much Cardio is REQUIRED to Lose Weight?

Short answer – absolutely none. Am I recommending that you do zero cardio to lose weight? Absolutely not. However, from a strictly physiological standpoint, cardiovascular training is not required at all to lose weight. Don’t think so? Try not eating anything for a week while you are completely sedentary. Obviously, in time, you will wilt to nothing.

As health and fitness individuals we aren’t just trying to lose weight. We are trying to spare muscle tissue (or build some) while we drop our body fat. Sometimes that means we lose weight, but sometimes that means our weight stays the same while our body composition changes. The only way to know what’s really going on is to measure with body fat calipers. Either way, the question shouldn’t be how much cardio to lose weight, but instead – how much cardio to lose fat?

How Much Cardio to Lose Weight (Fat)?

Strictly speaking, as with all things fitness related, it’s going to depend. However, there are a few guidelines I like to follow that I think are good catch-alls for most people.

  • If you have a sedentary job, it’s a good idea to do cardio.
  • If your strength training workouts aren’t high intensity, it’s a good idea to do cardio.
  • If reaching your desired goal means you have to eat below your BMR, it’s a good idea to do cardio.

In other words, if all you do is work out for 30 minutes and then sit behind a desk at your job, you’re going to want to get more active. Remember, part of living a health and fitness lifestyle means being active. Get up and move around. I personally use my BodyMedia FIT Armband and try to hit a step number every day (10,000). Before I wore the armband, I was only getting in around 5,000 steps at the most each day, and that included my workouts. Since I’m behind this computer most of the day, my wife and I added in short walks at night just to get in a little extra activity. Every little bit helps.

The same goes for if your strength training workouts aren’t that intense. Most people forget that strength training and cardio don’t have to be two separate, mutually exclusive activities. Cardio is short for cardiovascular training. If you are pushing yourself hard during your workouts, additional cardio like running or biking is not always necessary. My weight training days are very strength-based, so I don’t get as much cardiovascular training as I’d like. Because of this, I throw in some sprint work between sets or some form of agility training, like the agility ladder.

Finally, if hitting your weight loss goal of say 2 pounds/week means that you would need to eat below your BMR, you should instead eat more food and do additional cardio work (eat more, move more). Let’s take a look at my go-to equation (The Katch-McArdle Formula) for determining an accurate BMR:

BMR = 370 + (21.6 * LBM)

LBM is your lean body mass in kg. I like this equation because most others don’t take into account body composition. As muscle is more metabolically active than fat, I believe this formula is much more accurate. So, let’s break down an example for someone who is 150lbs at 20% body fat. Someone at those stats has 30lbs of fat (150lbs * 20%bf = 30lbs). Subtract those 30lbs from their weight, and you get 150lbs – 30lbs = 120lbs of lean body mass.

Next, take that number and convert it to kg. So 120lbs / 2.2 = 59kg of lean body mass. Now we just plug those numbers into the Katch-McArdle formula above:

BMR = 370 + (21.6 * 59) = 1644 calories

If reaching your weight loss goal means you have to eat less than 1644 calories to maintain your weight loss pace, it’s a much better idea to at least eat your BMR and create your deficit with additional cardio. Eating below your BMR is a sure way to lose muscle and stall your weight loss.

How Much Cardio

Now that you know if you should be doing cardio or not, let’s briefly cover how much cardio you should do to lose weight. I recommend that you do the least amount that is necessary to reach both your exercise goals AND your body composition goals. If you have goals to improve your cardiovascular fitness, or to have a faster 5k time, your training is going to need to reflect that. If you’re just trying to maintain your cardiovascular fitness while dropping body fat, you won’t need as much. Whatever your goals, be efficient with it. The reasons are several-fold:

  • In a hypo-caloric environment it is much easier to over-train.
  • The few calories and nutrients you’re ingesting are needed to support muscle tissue growth and repair. Devoting unneeded energy to cardio works against those goals.
  • It is much easier to cut 100 calories from your diet (if you have room to – remember, don’t eat below your BMR) than it is to add in 100 calories worth of exercise.

Whether you need an additional 100 calories, 300 calories, 500 calories or more worth of cardio calories depends on the factors outlined above. Whatever amount you choose to do, just make sure cardio is working for you and not against you.

Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe!

    TRYM Disclaimer:::This recipe has not been modified to the healthy TRYM Version.  It is healthy in its own way but modifications have been made and thus creating the TRYM-Pumpkin Cheesecake – Individual Servings – Coming Next!
    2 cups part skim ricotta
    1/2 c. almond milk unsweetened-vanilla
    1 15oz can pumpkin
    1/4 cup sugar-free syrup
    1/2 pack sugar-free, fat-free cheesecake pudding
    1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
    1 tsp vanilla
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1 tsp nutmeg
    1 reduced fat graham cracker pie crust
    Mix all the ingredients together in a blender and spread onto the graham cracker pie crust.
    Bake at 400 degrees for 30 min or until cooked to your satisfaction

TRYM Fit’s Nutrition Tips Continued

TRYM Fit’s Nutrition Tips Continuted….

4.  Three of the meals must contain one protein item, one carbohydrate item, and one vegetable item from the food guide below
5.  One serving of Carbohydrates equals the size of your clenched fist
One serving of Protein equals the size of your flat hand
Eat as many non-starchy vegetables as you want
6.  The other 2-3 meals:   You may use protein shakes (SunWarrior) or use one protein item and one vegetable item from the food chart below.

Get Fit. Get TRYM. BE YOU!!!



Don’t settle for a body that is less than average.  Burn over 600 calories in 1 hour, every weekend at our fun, outdoor fitness training boot camp.  Male, female and levels of fitness welcome!

It is FREE ONLY if you are willing to have fun while burning calories.

SATURDAY, October 13th at 9am!

All attendees will be entered in a drawing to win 3 free personal training sessions.

TWO Winners will be selected.

Meat TEAM TRYM at Sunset Park on Midway and McKamy Trail just north of Austin Ranch to jumpstart your fitness Adventure.


TRYM Exercise of the Day

Barbell Incline Chest Press:



Lie supine on incline bench. Dismount barbell from rack over upper chest using wide oblique overhand grip.


Lower weight to upper chest. Press bar until arms are extended. Repeat.


Get Fit. Get TRYM. BE YOU!!!




-Pectoralis Major, Clavicular


  • Deltoid, Anterior
  • Triceps Brachii

Dynamic Stabilizers

– Biceps Brachii, Short head


As we move into the weekend let’s make eating healthy EASY!

Here are 3 QUICK tips to work on starting today!

1.  Focus on daily behavior as opposed to results
2.  Eat 5-6 meal per day, spaced 3 hours apart
3.  Eat your lean body weight in grams of daily protein

MORE TIPS to come!  Stay TUNED!